For centuries, noodles derived from yam plants have been embraced by Asian cultures as a high fiber, low calorie dietary staple. Inspired by an on-going commitment to serving healthy cuisine, and in response to a growing customer demand for healthy menu items, restaurant owner and self-taught Chef Terri Rogers, began serving NOoodle™.
What began in January 2009 as an alternative menu offering at a neighborhood everyday gourmet eatery, quickly escalated into a must-have mainstay. As word of the naturally delicious NOoodle™-based culinary creations spread, restaurant sales skyrocketed. Encouraged by her loyal patrons, proprietor and self-taught chef, Terri Rogers, founded the NOoodle™ Company. Thru years of recipe experimentation and R and D, Chef Terri “Americanized” this Japanese ingredient in terms of smell, taste, texture & packaging.
Today, The NOoodle company manufactures and distributes a variety of packaged NOoodle™ products to restaurants and retailers throughout the United States. NOoodle™ is available at select food service establishments, grocery stores, & amazon. You can also catch Chef Terri cooking & selling on HSN.